automated client cache expand with Powershell

Sometimes you have a problem to expand you’re Client Cache for the SCCM-Agent.
In a older Blog i have written (Update) for do this with a VB-Script, but for Win7 we should tihnking for the future and do this with Powershell….
Aaron Czechowski give a tip for a script here:

$Cache = Get-WmiObject -namespace root\ccm\SoftMgmtAgent -class CacheConfig
$Cache.size = 10240
$Cache.InUse = "True"
Restart-Service ccmexec

But maybe in you’re environment you dint have allowed ps1 scripts, so you can do this with GPOs or create a Programm and Run it first 😉

Program opens the signing Restriction:
run: “powershell Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted”

Second Program with a “run first” starts the script:
Create a ps1 script and save to a package:

$Cache = Get-WmiObject -namespace root\ccm\SoftMgmtAgent -class CacheConfig
$Cache.size = 10240
$Cache.InUse = "True"
Restart-Service ccmexec

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy restricted


and save as (f.e.) cache_up_to_10GB.ps1

The run command calls: “powershell .\cache_up_to_10GB.ps1”

Run both Programs with “administrator rights” and “Whether or not is a User logged on” and “suppress program notification”

Have fun and no guarantee of the script


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