Power SONOS like SONOS with PoSh

A friend has written a perfect script for controlling SONOS Players with Power Shell commands.

Hacking SONOS using Windows Power Shell: http://msitproblog.com/2016/01/04/hacking-sonos-using-windows-powershell/

i love that script but in the first version is Just a IP-Address Hardcoded in it, i changed that in my extended-Version to select the Right Device by Using the MAC-Address in the end.

Here are the Download of the Original Script: https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/SONOS-PowerShell-500c9878

And here on GitHub: https://github.com/SimonDettling/PowerShell/blob/master/SONOS%20PowerShell%20Controller/PSSonosControllerPreview.ps1

I forked this Version with Simons Project, you can download the files here: https://github.com/slaet/PowerShell/tree/master/SONOS%20PowerShell%20Controller

What is Different; There is a Separate text File that has a list of MAC-Address and the Name from the Device, you have to create that by your self and place it on a directory where the script can read it.
Here the example:

00-0e-58-74-81-ff; Office
00-0e-58-c1-41-ff; Bad
00-0e-58-c1-41-ff; Schlafen
00-0e-58-98-86-ff; Wohnzimmer

save the file as txt, somewhere

Edit the PS1 script, go to Line 52

Get-Content C:\Desktop\test.txt | ForEach-Object {[void] $objListBox.Items.Add($_)}

and change the Path to the File you created.

After that you can Run the Script, this will open a Box where you can select a Device


after that the script goes back to the Script from Simon where you can select the Options to control your device


quit the script by 99 🙂

Hope it helps and



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