Tag: OS-Deployment

  • change drive letters f.e. CD-Rom win7

    Use the helpfully tool diskpart so you can use with awnser-file or direct by command: open CMD with administrative rights “diskpart.exe” “select volume 0” (this ist the CD-Rom volume, you can show it by “list volume”) “assigen letter=z” if you need more informations about diskpart type “help” or look at microsoft artikel one more can be…

  • Troubleshooting Management Point

    here is a good article to troubleshoot ManagementPiont Problems, also you have on youre client-agent no Actions on actions tab http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc180195.aspx

  • OSD Logs on WinPE Client

    On all this points you can find any Log-Files from youre Advertised Tasksequence 1) WinPE -> X:\Windows\Temp\SMSTSLog 2) WinPE -> C:\_SMSTaskSequence\SMSTSLog 3) WinPE -> C:\Windows\System32\CCM\Logs 4) installed Windows -> %Windir%\System32\CCM\Logs\SMSTSLog (or in the %Windir%\SysWOW64\ccm\logs\Smstslog folder on x64 machines) or you can use in the Console, System CenterConfiguration Manager / Computer Management / Operating System Deployment…


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