Where is the old Distributionpoint content like smspkgx$

There are a blog from Kent Agerlund to describes you to lern the new content library in 5 minutes
Here: http://blog.coretech.dk/kea/understanding-the-new-content-library-store-in-5-minutes/

There is also a nice Blog from Vimal to learn the content library in more detail from here:

But i miss the oldscool smspkgx (x means your dp drive letter).
Sometimes i ned to connect the package over a share source from a dp server.
The folder is there, but he is empty, or just some packages are in it, why?

Here is the flagg that you have to set in every package, application, driver package, etc. that the content is unkopressed set in the "old" smspkg(driveletter)\<sitecode>000af package.







After you set this flag, you have’nt to update your DP, see in the smspkg(driveletter) the package source are there:






this works for every DP you selected for a package. For DP’s that are globale, maybe you have to wait a little longer bevor you can see the content.

Hope it helps, have fun…


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